17 May 2015

(146) Harald Lesch and the Doubt ..... and the doubtful doctrine of the Shakespeare authorship...

Science,  it's all about the doubt

, that's the foundation for all other activities at the universities and colleges. 


Prof.Harald Lesch, prominent german astrophysicist, natural philosopher, science journalist, television presenter and professor of physics at the University of Munich (LMU) held on 22.7.2011 in front of a large auditorium at the Univ. Bayreuth at the  Physics Colloquium a lecture entitled

"We err upwards "

Had his principles of Science (Physics) been transferred at least partly to principles for a Science of Literature, perhaps the "fallacious" dogma of the Shakespeare authorship would not have arisen.

Lesch in his lecture  (Translation)→  ( 1.hr 20 min 18.sec )" ... Skepticism, for us that means doubt. Doubt is not a condition [a state],  but a method ( ..... )  and this doubt along with a methodological naturalism provides us with the procedural nature of science, and the open end of the process is the basis for ensuring that educational institutions such as universities, in general, are as they are.  We call upon all students:

                                        Science is about doubt !

Science,  it's all about the doubt., that's the foundation for all other activities at the universities and colleges. There is no other way, the only way we can ever make these institutions attractive for those who are new to come in every year and participate in that sawing of branches on which someone sits. That is to say, which I said before was actually not only the success of physics but the success of human reason. - If we actually stay open to the strength of  reason  and try over and over again  to the extent possible, then we are actually successful ... "

Physikalisches Kolloquium 22. Juli 2011 - Vortrag von Prof. Dr. Harald Lesch  (GERMAN!)