14 Jul 2017

(517) Michael Drayton: A significant Pen-name of the true Shakespeare! (Arguments part 1 / of 6)

Early on, the poet Michael Drayton, has  been considered  a pioneer of the  sonneteering  obsession in Elisabethan England, with significant influences  on Shake-speare’s(!) Sonnets.

This YouTube contribution argues  (first 5 Arguments - part 1/of 6)

why Michael Drayton must belong  to the early "poetical pseudonyms" of the "true" Shakespeare (alias Marlowe).

Argument 1     The missing Overlap
Argument 2     The Authors Sacrifice
Argument 3     His first Death
Argument 4     Marlowes Gaveston
Argument 5     Eloquent Gaveston

(516) Kastans refreshing, but unimaginative interests in the well-known grotesque facts about Shakespeare's will...

David Scott Kastan,  Professor of English at Yale University, one of the General Editors of the Arden Shakespeare, in a recent refreshing lecture  

reflected on the absurdities of Shaksperes Will!


From  what age onwards,  scientist are no longer interested in searching for better or more plausible own solutions to grotesque, non comprehensible  (i.e. unexplained) facts ?

It does not need any age, it requires only 
an inner arch-conservative (
Stratfordian) attitude!