29 May 2015

(159) Goethe and the Shakespeare authorship (part 3)

„A new truth may wait a long time before it can make its way...“


J.P. Eckermanns wrote in his "Conversations with Goethe"  
                →Translated by  John Oxenford    (Emphasis added)

However,“ continued Goethe, in the sciences, that also is looked upon as property which has been handed down or taught at the universities. And if anyone advances anything new which contradicts, perhaps threatens to overturn, the creed which we have for years repeated, and have handed down to others, all passions are raised against him, and every effort is made to crush him. People resist with all their might; they act as if they neither heard nor could comprehend; they speak of the new view with contempt as if it were not worth the trouble of even so much as an investigation or regard, and thus a new truth may wait a long time before it can make its way.

One gets the impression to recognize Goethe's wide and world view. His insights can be easily transferred to the Shakespeare authorship problem...

   Shakespeare als Theaterdichter
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

 ( Hörbuch German)