Sir Stanley Wells
as guesswork!
Elderly British Shakespeare Professor Sir →Stanley Wells in a Swiss TV Interview (starting at min: 17.00 lately erased!) on the Shakespeare authorship issue replyed to the question
What do you think about new clues
and evidence in the authorship debate?
Stanley Wells (Excerpt):
Stanley Wells (Excerpt):
I don’t really care because I have no confidence in any of this sort of guesswork. Over many years now, over 50 or more years of Shakespeare studies I have read so many silly things, about the opposition for Shakespeare plays, so many attempts to prove different things about them and from them that I haven’t got much patience with any fresh attempt to do so…
It is noteworthy that Stanley Wells dismisses extensive scientific →Articles or →Books as guesswork! One should accept, that Wells has simply ground to a halt somewhere along the line of his late life. That's in accordance with
Max Planck's final thoughts
at the end of his life:(1948)
“A new scientific truth does not triumph by convincing opponents and making them see the light, but rather because its opponent die, and a new generation grows up that is familiar with it.”