24 Jul 2015

(216) Shakespeare's arrival in London in the Armada year 1588! how to indoctrinate 1000 MOOC participants?

The case was over a dispute about a little "Armada" of 86 acres in Wilmcote.


In his „Shakespeare MOOC course 2014 in lesson 4-4  Prof. Jonathan Bate's linkage on "„Henry V" (subconsciously delusive) is difficult to accept, and it seems paradigmatical for the maintenance of  the Shakespeare myth by academic experts.

In connection with the Armada year 1588 Prof. Bate literally teaches „  …that’s to say that Shakespeare’s England was at war from the moment he [Shakespeare] arrived in London in 1588, to the moment in 1603 , when Queen Elisabeth died.
Such a sentence implies for a beginner that Shakespeare arrived and  lived in London since 1588. But the source for this claim is a document of a legal case before the  Court Queens bench in London 1588 acted through an attorney, in which William Shakespeare was named, with his parents, in a legal action against a neighbour called John Lambert.

 The case was over a dispute about a little  "Armada" of  86 acres  in Wilmcote., about 3 miles  north of Stratford-upon-Avon.

There is no proof of evidence whatsoever, that Shakspeare (Stratford)  had arrived in London 1588....