16 Jul 2015

(208) Shakespeare's "The Merry Wives of Windsor" and his First Folio Editor Ralph Crane.- What's his identity?

Who else than the "true" Shakespeare might have had a motive to make such extensive changes,  prior to FF-printing 1623 ?

Quarto 1 (1602/19) 

Shakespeare's ->"The Merry Wives of Windsor" appeared as first Quarto (Q1 -1602), as second Quarto (Q2-1619-similar to Q1) and as  First Folio (FF-1623). FF is nearly twice as long as that of Q1/Q2. Nearly all the scenes are longer than in Q1/Q2 and  FF text adds  the Latin lesson in Act IV/1 as well as several scenes at the beginning of act V.

Shakespeare experts and encyclopedias reveal that there was a scrivener Ra(l)ph Crane who transcribed Shakespeare's plays for the First Folio (none has survived) and made massed entrances (stage direction, act/scene disvision, speech prefixes, treatment of meters, spelling etc.), for various Shakespeare "Transcripts" such as for "The Merry Wives of Windsor"
Thus, Crane has to be a matter of interest for those interested in solving ->unanswered authorship questions.
Crane's involvement of the First Folio is so extensive and of such kind , that he was termed "Shakespeares First Editor."

Shakespeare experts cannot expect us to believe that  Ralph Crane was a "simple" scrivener ("scribe"). He published  his own poems like "The Works of Mercy, Both Corporeal and Spiritual(1621)". - and enlarged this version in 1625 and gave him a new title:
  "The pilgrimes New-Yeares-Gift (1625) -

 only a year after the appearance of the First Folio -  "Crane"  wrote about himself in "The Authors Induction" read page 11::

- I recommend to read it  a few times

 Ralph Crane Page 11

(Only) If you are aware of the ->Marlowe/alias Shakespeare Thesis (...forced to fake his death, changing identity and name, writing a life long under a multiplicity of Pseudonyms...) it seems possible, to explain, who has made so many additions to the "Merry Wives of Windsor", and to interprete Ralph Crane's "coming-out" ,

Who else might otherwise have had a motive to make such extensive changes? 

Who else other than the author, could  possibly have added such signifant texts and scenes  so shortly prior to FF-printing 1623 ?

Thus who was Raph Crane?