"Shakespeare not an "intellectual"
but from a rural middle-class",
Hans-Dieter Gelfert, Professor Emeritus FU Berlin, wrote a book about „Shakespeare" (C.H.Beck Wissen 2000 , Second edition 2014).
There he states that it would be difficult to imagine Marlowe's figures „Tamburlaine“ and „Faustus“ in Shakespeare , since ...
...Shakespeare was not an "intellectual" but from a rural middle-class, without Marlowe's elitist ethos .
Thus alleged truths are proclaimed from legends of so-called Shakespeare experts that seal the authorship problem finally and uncontradicted.
Do Gelferts certainties really correspond to the truth?
Thus alleged truths are proclaimed from legends of so-called Shakespeare experts that seal the authorship problem finally and uncontradicted.
Do Gelferts certainties really correspond to the truth?