8 Jan 2015

(8) Shakespeare Authorship. Tobias Dörings blind spots. No mysteries about the banality of the bard!

Prof Tobias Doering

The weird question of the president:

 "Why do people still puzzle over a (non existing) puzzle?"

  Prof.Tobias Doering, Munich, President of the "German Shakespeare    Society(2013)" , wrote a review in the centre-rightliberal-conservative German newspaper  "Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung" (FAZ)  October 12, 2011 on the occasion of the film start "Anonymous" entitled :

 -->"The banality of the bard or as you like it" . 

Doering was certain that the  infinite Shakespeare Authorship debate is without substance.  -  With respect to the facts, he argued,  nothing had changed. 

There  would be no mystery about a Shakespeare authorship question but about  the question why people still puzzle over a (non existing) puzzle.

(Info on the Declaration mentioned , click here!)