21 Jan 2015

(21) The evil argument of Sir Stanley Wells (part 1)

If it could have been so many (Shakespeare authorship candidates),

 then it will be, nobody did.

One of the most common and yet evil argument used by experts against the Shakespeare authorship debate is to point to the number of envisaged candidates, which is so absurdly high.

The argument is:  If it could have been so many, then it will be, nobody did.

Stanley Wells
Sir Stanley Wells, Shakspeare expert and long-time chairman of the multi-million dollar "Shakespeare Birtplace Trusts" puts this in an interview with Swiss TV (SF1-(Video start at 16.58.min)

"The very idea that so many people have been suggested as the author of Shakespeares works in itself to me is enough to show that it is a mad idea, its just crazy !!!" (click Blog 200!)