9 Jan 2015

(9) Stephen Greenblatt's "Art of Repression" of a Shakespeares authorship problem.

Greenblatt not ready(?) to dare a debate  

about the literally congruent disaster of Marlowe's destiny?

                                              Stephen Greenblatt       Greenblatt: [Will in the world]

The Shakespeare biographer Stephen Greenblatt in his book "Will in the World" notices that Shakespeare after his previously aspiring life, over and over again in his works points to an unforeseen disaster, and to a sudden unhappiness, fear and loss , and still staggering, to his loss of identity, name and social status.!

"Again and again in his plays to unforeseen catastrophe. (...) Smooth sailing turns into a disaster, terror and loss. The loss is obviously and immediately material, but it is so, and more crushingly, a loss of identity (...) this catastrophe is often by the deliberate alteration or disappearance of the name, and with it, the alteration or disappearance of social status. «

Why Greenblatt is not willing to (at least)  dare a debate  about the literally congruent disaster of Marlowe's , The True Shakespeare's,  destiny?
.What went wrong in Greenblatts brain?