26 Jan 2015

(26) the irritating question mark related to the "true" Shakespeare (alias Marlowe)

Stanley Wells: 

"...trying to prove that Marlowe wrote Shakespeare.... is  absolute nonsense, of course"

The Marlowe Society campaigned for decades  for its hero to be included alongside  Shakespeare, Chaucer and others in Poet's Corner in Westminster Abbey. -

Finally 2002 a small diamond-shaped window was installed bearing Marlowe's life data 1564 - ?1593. 
To many Shakespeare experts the question mark in front of  Marlowe's date of death was a calculated insult.

Stanley Wells wrote  2002: . 

It's quite obviously there[the question mark] because the Marlowe Society is in part  dedicated to trying to prove that Marlowe wrote Shakespeare. It's  absolute nonsense, of course."

Lately in his 
Book "Shakespeare bites back"(p.21/22)  Stanley Wells increased his attacks: The Marlovíans had duped the Dean and Chapter of the Westminster Abbey:

... succeeded in duping the Dean and Chapter of Westminster Abbey who, in 2002, misguidedly allowed themselves to be advised by people who want to believe that Christopher Marlowe wrote Shakespeare..... In doing so they flew in the face of a mass of unimpugnable evidence.