28 Feb 2015

(61) Shakespeare authorship dispute: a panic reaction

                          Shakespeare authorship dispute:   a panic reaction                        
The author  had not postponed the [authorship] problem but  started for the first time  to understand it

The Kölner Stadt Anzeiger, a German Newspaper was among the first who heralded  the Shakespeare anniversary year 2014 (450.Birthday) with an  article (02/01/2014). By way of a preliminary point,   the writer of the article and supposed Shakspeare expert submitted his point of view:

[Translation] ... and yet you can never really know Shakespeare. Wherefore the panic reaction is to dispute his right to the authorship. But if he was another one, one has only postponed the problem .....
German]...und doch kann man Shakespeare nie wirklich kennen. Weshalb die Kurzschlussreaktion darin besteht, ihm    die Autorschaft streitig zu machen. Aber wenn es ein andrer war, hat man das Problem nur verschoben.....
How could the Autor  consider to describe the centuries-old Shakspeare 'authorship debate as a panic reaction? -

Could it be, if he would have recognized the problem that he had not postponed the problem but would have started for the first time  to understand  the true author of Shakespeare's works and his identity problem (s) ....?

27 Feb 2015

(60) The question of Shakespeare's secret. ( a documentary.....)

Scholars from various fields weigh in 

on Marlowe and   Shakespeare's secret.


                                                    Film director : Eike Schmitz

The Public German Television  ZDF Enterprises Documentary (2011)

                  "The Shakespeare Enigma" (English Video-Trailer) <-- click
                                             (Director: Eike Schmitz   )

is the first high-gloss program of its kind to examine a highly controversial topic: Who was William Shakespeare, and did he write the works we associate with his name?

Among the most interesting candidates advanced by scholars as the "real" dramatist is Christopher Marlowe, a successful author and secret agent of Queen Elizabeth I. 

Shakespeare's first plays weren't performed until after Marlowe's early death in 1593 at the age of 29 in a sordid pub brawl in D e p t f o r d, by the River Thames, East of London. Until now this has seemed to rule out Marlowe as a candidate for the writer of Romeo and Juliet, Macbeth, Hamlet and King Lear.

But in this documentary biography and history specialists of Atlantis-Film explore the plausible thesis:

 Christopher Marlowe faked his own death to avoid arrest and possible execution by Elizabeth I's ministers. This freed him to devote his life to literature, using actor-manager William Shakespeare as his straw man drawing on his own life's experiences for at least some of his subject matter!

High-budget re-enactments and shooting on original locations sketch an image of the golden age of Elizabethan theater. And scholars from various fields weigh in on the question of Shakespeare's secret.

The german  version 

26 Feb 2015

(59) Restless or rustless world of Shakespeare ? The corrosion resistant Myth of the Stratford man....

MacGeregors  Shakspere's 

rustless myth of  his (in)glorious world?


Around  the turn of 2013/14 Mac 
Gregor's book "Shakespeare's Restless World" was broadcasted in Radio Bavaria 2 as an eleven-day program.

The omission of the subtitle in the  German book version   ( Beck -Verlag 2013)   "An Unexpected History in Twenty Objectsreinforces the insincerity of the  radio show, deceiving the ignorant, he would expand his own knowledge of the the greatest poet and playwright William Shakespeare,  but that's not the case : The name Shakespeare was  only   "promotional " (apparently for the occasion of the upcoming 450 -year anniversary in April 2014) and  misused as a "hanger" of the book.

The author Mac Gregor  isn't  searching for the person Shakespeare and his immense implausibilities for today's knowledge , for solving reasonable doubts and for the current state of Research.  From the "restless inner world " of the Stratford man you will learn  nothing substantial !

Part 02/11 [German] (28. 12. 2013)    " The Stratford Goblet"  Podcast (now unavailable)
Episode 2 is exemplified by a silver chalice , which was kept in the parish church in Stratford- upon- Avon. It  has absolutely nothing to do with Shakespeare, because such a communion chalice was placed in all churches of England as an expression of the end of Catholicism . Those who drank from this cup, confessed publicly to Protestantism and proved himself to be a loyal subject of the Queen. For this object of a goblet  to build a specific bridge to the poetic genius of Shakespeare has something  bizarre....

...consider  the following sentences 
Short excerpt (Radio Bayern 2)   Translation from German
soft Rebel .... gentle  skillful businessman , hack writer of the aristocracy, every era has designed a different picture of William Shakespeare .... the interpretions  were  according to the prevailing zeitgeist ... all of the terms used are not based on reliable biographical data ... .1570 ... things were going for John Shakespeare [ Shakepeare's father ] progressively worse and he was having trouble because of prohibited transactions and usury . In 1580 he mortgaged his land , finally had to sell , and he was last detained even for debt ; 1586 he lost his seat in the city council because for  aalready 10 years he did no longer appear  ... the descent continued. John Shakespeare in 1592 was one of the 9 recusants of the city, the men stayed away from the God Allows . John feared for his debts to be arrested as soon as he appeared in public. The changing fate of his family could explain the circumspection with which [ William ] Shakespeare drove forward his own career . When he had , however, made ​​his fortune , he invested in his hometown in real estate , bought the 2nd largest house in Stratford ....

... if this was really so, could father John Shakespeare ever even afford the school fees for his son? ...

Even without Shakespeare's existence the observed object, the silver communion chalice, (as well as most other observed objects) would have possessed the same historical importance or unimportance ....

Was that really Shakespeare's Restless  World ? or  Shakspere's rustless myth of  his (in)glorious world?

25 Feb 2015

(58) The most successful sleeky cultural export of Britain:

The most successful sleeky cultural export of Britain: 

Austian Television (ORF2)
announcing Shakespeares Aniversary 2014

the birthright of every child in England to get to know as early as possible Shakespeare.

The newscast from the public Austrian Broadcasting Corporation (ORF)

 "Die Zeit im Bild (´ZIB)" 

                                               has begun in  2013 with pointing to the upcoming Shakespeare anniversary (April 23, 2014)  with numerous special events. Elementary school children should be prepared playfully to explore Shakespeare's works, for example ... by playing  "Tudor football"....

In Stratford-upon-Avon  representatives are convinced that it should be the birthright of every child in England to get to know as early as possible Shakespeare.

The problem of the authenticity of the poet is likely to remain under the lid - in the interest of increasing the British cultural export in the upcoming big celebrations .

24 Feb 2015

(57) John Hurt as Christopher Marlowe [as actor of the true Shakespeare!]

After Jarmuschs movie "Only Lovers Left Alive" more people have an interest 

for Marlowe as being "the true Shakespeare" !

                                      John Hurt                            Tom Hiddleston                                Jim Jarmusch

The story of Jarmusch's Vampire film "Only Lovers Left Alive " takes place in two evocative settings:
"Tangier, where Eve (Tilda Swinton) walks the ancient streets in slow motion, wearing beige silk that swings with her long vampirish hair, and

Detroit, where her life-long lover Adam (Tom Hiddleston), a musician, hangs out listening to vinyl records and composing on his many stringed instruments, while awaiting his blood supplies." [karin badt]In Tangier we have a third Vampire character , a cultivated old man named Christopher Marlowe (John Hurt), the true Shakespeare who really wrote Shakespeare’s plays; he’s still alive and well, living in Tangiers and hanging out with Eve as the film opens.

Could it be after Jarmuschs movie that more people do have an interest for Marlowe as being the true Shakespeare candidate than before?

Official Trailer German   

23 Feb 2015

(56) To be "a Non-Stratfordian" or not to be " a Stratfordian" , that's the question!

The yearly SAT [Shakespeare Authorship Trust] conference (2013)

                                   Kevin Gilvary, John Casson,   Bill Leahy,  Hank Whittemore,  Julia Cleave,  Ros Barber

The UK-based Shakespearean Authorship Trust's (SAT) by contrast to the US-based „Shakespeare Authorship Coalition" (SAC)  represents all groups of Non-Stratfordian candidates  and combative in approach) . 

The Non-Shakspearean Movement which welcomes Stratfordians too, being inclusive of all authorship candidates,  held its "Annual Conference" (2013) on Nov. 24, 2013 at the Globe Theatre in London with many attendees involved in researching the authorship question.
Morning’s talks   ("Shakespeare and Italy ") on the Shakespearean Authorship Trust’s website.(Click Video)

This was followed by the Q&A/Forum Panel [Video!]  tackling a number of audience questions, including co-authorship , stylometry and others.


22 Feb 2015

(55) Süddeutsche Zeitung (SZ): Schloemann & Schmidt close their eyes to the Marlowe theory

The literary elite journalists of the "Süddeutsche Zeitung"  in Munich

Attempts to interest the "Feuilleton" of the "Süddeutsche Zeitung " (SZ)  for a "refined" Marlowe theory were a total failure.  

Johan Schloemann in charge for the Non-fiction section  and

Christopher Schmidt in charge for "Shake-speare matters"  gave to a variety of  letters over the years only once a three-line response:

   "Dear Mr. Conrad,
our man for Shakespeare here in the newsroom  remains Christopher Schmidt. On him you need to contact. And if you do not get through with him, then nowhere.   Kind regards,   Johan Schloemann "

In plain English: For me, you as an amateur, do not  penetrate  anyway  with your silly theory  .. ..

What - for God's sake - has taken these influential men so against a theory that turns out in a decade of steadily adventitious arguments to be robust , that can be defended and may advance to  new horizons?

21 Feb 2015

(54) Marlowe's (alias Shakespeare's) survival yields unexpected perspectives

"If  Marlowe did survive his own murder there is no limit to what he can be supposed to have done later." (John Michell 1966)


John Michell (1933-2009) English writer and philosopher, wrote a monograph on the Shakespeare authorship problem "Who wrote Shakespeare"  (1996).  Washington Post : "The best overview yet of the authorship question "

Chapter VIII ("The professional Candidate"), dealing with  Christopher Marlowe,   closes with a remarkablesentence:

If he  [Marlowe] really did survive his own murder there is no limit to what he can be supposed to have done later.

This sentence hides the whole authorship problem: only if one is willing to tear down the boundary of a "self-made limit", you will be able to understand what an impressive literature Marlowe / alias Shakespeare wrote under various alias-names or pseudonyms .
John Michell 

20 Feb 2015

(53) Unprecedented refusal to recognize scientific results of outsiders ("amateurs")

Dolly Walker-Wraight
Why Shakespeare experts" have ignored key contributions of alleged outsiders ( "amateurs")  like Dolly Walker - Wraight to the authorship problem?


Nowadays no academic expert in English Literature dares to doubt about William Shakespeare from Stratford as the author of Shakespeare's works.
The doubters and skeptics (so-called "Anti-Stratfordians") have been gradually eliminated by ostracism or pushed into a corner of  "amateurs", which did not possess sufficiently well-founded knowledge  about the Elizabethan time and history, or on the methods and standards of literary studies.

This has meant that the authorship question has been entirely suppressed for decades in the English and German academic centers in an unprecedented manner.

This led inevitably to an absolute professional taboo zone. Scientists who would now openly confess to a doubt as to the person Shakspere from Stratford would jeopardize their career or their professional existence.

The remaining authorship debate has been completely pushed into the  "provincial" corner  of a lack of seriousness.

Independent thinkers and scientists were downgraded  to "amateurs". - Unfortunately, in neglecting fundamental scientific standards the academic [Stratfordian] "experts" have ignored  key contributions of alleged outsiders ( "amateurs " ) like  Dolly Walker - Wraight , see picture)

see  min 5:22
Scenes from "Much Ado about something"

19 Feb 2015

(52) "Oxfordians" lured "Stratfordians" in vain. -

An amusing modern Farce!


Mock Trials are simulated fictional trials for teaching or training purposes, corresponding  to a realistic setting ( with prosecution, defense, lawyers, judges, pleadings, witnesses, expert reports, etc.)
The "Shakespeare Authorship Coalition"(SAC)  a  "US" located  association"  fighting  for the recognition of a legitimate doubt about Shakespeare of Stratford as the author of Shakespeare's works, consisting  mainly of supporters of the Oxford theory, had sent an "open letter" on November 8, 2013, to the "Shakespeare Birthplace Trust" (SBT) in Stratford challenging them to prove that Shakspere, the man from Stratford, and Shakespeare, the author of the plays, are the same man. 

If the "SBT" were to succeed,  the "SAC" will provide a donation of  40,000 Pounds

The "Shakespeare Birthplace Trust" refused this offer, even though on its book they  recently declare   the authorship  "beyond all doubt ".

Comment:    An amusing modern Farce!
         SBT will never  agree to the offer,
         SAC will never agree of losing their Money!

18 Feb 2015

(51) The President's fatal Dogma on the banality of Shakespeare.-

The highest german authority on Shakespeare 

accepts the meager facts about William (from Stratford ) 

as a starting point to derive the theory of Shakespeare's banality?

Prof. Tobias Döring  (President of the German Shakespeare Society and Professor of English Literature at the  LMU , Munich) gave broadcast interviews to 

Blanka Weber (Deutschlandradio Kultur May 1st .2011) and 

Nana Brink (Deutschlandradio Kultur, Oct.13th 2011), 

both interested in the problem of Shakespeare doubters and the authorship problem. Döring, repeated his credo uttered in many places of

          the tale or myth of the Stratfords man  universal genius ,

originated in the 19th century as an outgrowth of the "Zeitgeist" of the Genius theory.   (long since recognized as an error )

This error had the effect that  it could be still not accepted to regard Shakespeare as  a pretty normal educated and normal-owning  citizen  from the Middle English province, who attended  the Grammar School , but not at the university , who never left England and worked in the theater, who earned his wealth honestly   and eventually  withdraw  on his prosperity, just a very bourgeois existence. It would be the banality of Shakespeare’s ordinary life, which constitutes the problem of all Shakespeare biography. ( FAZ)

How could it happen ?,

a) that the President, highest german authority on Shakespeare, accepted the meager facts about Shakespeare of Stratford as a starting point to derive
the theory of Shakespeare's banality?

b) that he does not accept, instead, the unimaginable creative mind of a universal person with the biggest language skills and knowledge of the world and an unparalleled world experience to derive the theory of Shakespeare's  universal genius ( independent of any "Zeitgeist"), and  

c) that  he has not at least a slight doubt about  the authorship of the Stratford-man?

17 Feb 2015

(50) Shakespeare Authorship: "Conspiracies" versus "Conspiracy Theories"

To denote a doubter  of Shakespeare's authorship  

as a conspiracy theorist is no honest mean  

of blocking the Shakespeare authorship debate.


Marlowe's permanent loss of his name and identity as a result of his threat to life,  his living  in anonymity and obscurity and his writing among many pseudonyms (including Shake-speare) required a support of secret carriers, in the real sense of a historical conspiracy (or plot).

Those who  doubt Shakespeare as an author are regularly attributed to the conspiracy theorists. They are equated  from the outset with those who understand the 9/11 terrorist  attack as a feigned action of the state.
( -->-1-,   --> -2- )

It is of fundamental importance, however, to differentiate  the terms " conspiracy [plot] and "conspiracy theory". Real proven conspiracies as part of human behavior have often  occurred in the past, especially in Shakespeare's time in the late 16th
and early 17th century (Babington Plot, The Main Plot, The Gunpowder Plot, The  Bye-Plot  etc) and in Shakespeare plays ..

The term conspiracy/-theorist is more recent and always used  in a derogatory or disparaging manner, as a not proven plot, a figment of imagination:   To denote a doubter  of Shakespeare's authorship  as a conspiracy theorist (visionaries), is no honest mean  of blocking an  Shakespeare authorship debate.

A "false flag" Operation of the English Crown

16 Feb 2015

(49) A fictitious comparison between Shakespeare and Mozart: understatnding the authorship debate:

A fictitious comparison (of the historical situation) between Shakespeare and Mozart


To get an idea about the inconsistencies and doubts about the centuries-old Shakespeare authorship debate and about William Shakspere from Stratford, you may watch

offering a fictitious comparison of the historical situation with Mozart