18 Feb 2015

(51) The President's fatal Dogma on the banality of Shakespeare.-

The highest german authority on Shakespeare 

accepts the meager facts about William (from Stratford ) 

as a starting point to derive the theory of Shakespeare's banality?

Prof. Tobias Döring  (President of the German Shakespeare Society and Professor of English Literature at the  LMU , Munich) gave broadcast interviews to 

Blanka Weber (Deutschlandradio Kultur May 1st .2011) and 

Nana Brink (Deutschlandradio Kultur, Oct.13th 2011), 

both interested in the problem of Shakespeare doubters and the authorship problem. Döring, repeated his credo uttered in many places of

          the tale or myth of the Stratfords man  universal genius ,

originated in the 19th century as an outgrowth of the "Zeitgeist" of the Genius theory.   (long since recognized as an error )

This error had the effect that  it could be still not accepted to regard Shakespeare as  a pretty normal educated and normal-owning  citizen  from the Middle English province, who attended  the Grammar School , but not at the university , who never left England and worked in the theater, who earned his wealth honestly   and eventually  withdraw  on his prosperity, just a very bourgeois existence. It would be the banality of Shakespeare’s ordinary life, which constitutes the problem of all Shakespeare biography. ( FAZ)

How could it happen ?,

a) that the President, highest german authority on Shakespeare, accepted the meager facts about Shakespeare of Stratford as a starting point to derive
the theory of Shakespeare's banality?

b) that he does not accept, instead, the unimaginable creative mind of a universal person with the biggest language skills and knowledge of the world and an unparalleled world experience to derive the theory of Shakespeare's  universal genius ( independent of any "Zeitgeist"), and  

c) that  he has not at least a slight doubt about  the authorship of the Stratford-man?