6 Feb 2015

(37) Greenblatt: Shakespeare and the moonlanding .

Faked moonlanding is more likely ...

than that someone else wrote the Shakespeare plays

Stephen Greenblatt,  gave in interview for CBS News online Nov.23 2011  on the Occasion of Emmerichs filmstart "Anonymus". Beeing introduced as the worlds leading Shakespeare scholar  he was asked about the Shakespeare authorship  theory.  He answered:

"...it's absolutely nothing to it. I think it is really quite an absurd idea, or rather, I think that is is far more likely that the US  moonlanding was forged and filmed in Holywwod Sound Studios than it is that someone else wrote those Plays, I mean, anything is possible, it depends how far out you are willing to go, in imaging unlikely scenarios of conspiracies. If you happen to love conspiracies, you can go for this, but ist very unlikely...".   

If Greenblatt is really of this opinion, then a faked moon landing should not  have been so unlikely!

Greenblatts interview to CBS News