15 Feb 2015

(47) Mike Rubbo ..... do we really need the “the smoking gun”? (Marlowe's Survival)

 "Much Ado about Something" , Do not overlook  or neglect  the vast amount of plausible evidences  for Marlowe!


Michael Rubbo
Michael Rubbo an Australian filmmaker and an early advokate of the subjective personal documentary produced “ Much Ado About Something (2001 which  explores the possibility that Christopher Marlowe was the hidden poet behind William Shakespeare. 2009 he expressed his conviction in an interview(s.below) :

(Excerpt): Marlowe is a good candidate , the trouble is of course that he is supposedly  dead according to the official records, May 30 1593 in that nightfight in Deptford. What we propose, that he isn’t [dead]…Now the smoking gun that we have to find, is the proof, that he didn’t die that  day…

Commentary: The hope  for finding the "single" smoking gun (Marlowe's survival)  probably is a mistake because  the danger arises, you may overlook  or neglect   1000 plausible evidences which are better suited to provide the proof.

Video : "Much Ado about Something"