23 Feb 2015

(56) To be "a Non-Stratfordian" or not to be " a Stratfordian" , that's the question!

The yearly SAT [Shakespeare Authorship Trust] conference (2013)

                                   Kevin Gilvary, John Casson,   Bill Leahy,  Hank Whittemore,  Julia Cleave,  Ros Barber

The UK-based Shakespearean Authorship Trust's (SAT) by contrast to the US-based „Shakespeare Authorship Coalition" (SAC)  represents all groups of Non-Stratfordian candidates  and combative in approach) . 

The Non-Shakspearean Movement which welcomes Stratfordians too, being inclusive of all authorship candidates,  held its "Annual Conference" (2013) on Nov. 24, 2013 at the Globe Theatre in London with many attendees involved in researching the authorship question.
Morning’s talks   ("Shakespeare and Italy ") on the Shakespearean Authorship Trust’s website.(Click Video)

This was followed by the Q&A/Forum Panel [Video!]  tackling a number of audience questions, including co-authorship , stylometry and others.