22 Feb 2015

(55) Süddeutsche Zeitung (SZ): Schloemann & Schmidt close their eyes to the Marlowe theory

The literary elite journalists of the "Süddeutsche Zeitung"  in Munich

Attempts to interest the "Feuilleton" of the "Süddeutsche Zeitung " (SZ)  for a "refined" Marlowe theory were a total failure.  

Johan Schloemann in charge for the Non-fiction section  and

Christopher Schmidt in charge for "Shake-speare matters"  gave to a variety of  letters over the years only once a three-line response:

   "Dear Mr. Conrad,
our man for Shakespeare here in the newsroom  remains Christopher Schmidt. On him you need to contact. And if you do not get through with him, then nowhere.   Kind regards,   Johan Schloemann "

In plain English: For me, you as an amateur, do not  penetrate  anyway  with your silly theory  .. ..

What - for God's sake - has taken these influential men so against a theory that turns out in a decade of steadily adventitious arguments to be robust , that can be defended and may advance to  new horizons?