27 Jan 2016

(383) Main stream media begins to admit inconsistencies in Marlowe's (Shakespeares] life and death.

The timing of Marlowe's death is extremely suspect !

Collections of popular Video Mini Biographies on the Internet contain a short presentation of Christopher Marlowe.-

Even though various statements on Marlowe are misleading  e.g., that Marlowe

  -> was stabbed in the eye,...(above the eye)
 -> was converted to catholicisme,  (pure speculation)
  -> provided what the audience wanted:  violent sensational fiction , (biased statement)
 -> achieved popularity and fame just  before Shakespeare (not correct)
  ->had a wonderfull influence on Shakespeare (wrong speculation)
  ->was never married...(who knows?)

.....nevertheless the public media more and more seem to admit (Video as an example)  by publicly expressing that Marlowe......

 "....... died in typically sensational circumstance ...this is thought by many people to be simply a cover. A few days prior he had been accused of treason and heresy: 

 ...the weird timing of this death ( deadly accused of high treason and heresy, but killed because of a reckoning) is exremely suspect.-

---> for more Details click and read --->  Pal Faklens Paper 

Christopher Marlowe - Mini Biography (TV-PG; 4:
