22 Jan 2016

(379) Shakespeare's plays reflect strong french connections of its true author!

Some calculations everybody can do !

There can be no doubt that the plays of Shakespeare contain footprints and traces from its authors life . - When tracing the words "France" or "French" alone in Shakespeares Play ( by using the Search sytem "OpenSourceShakespeare“") you will find them about 500 times in 21 of Shakspeare's plays .

When tracing in the Search sytem "Shakspeare searched the word -->"french" yielding french connections including names, language, geographie etc ), you get 400 text entries out of 20 Shakespeare Plays.

Thus the author of the Shakespeare Plays must have had powerfull french connections and was deeply familiar with France, its history, language, geography , traveling etc.- Henry V alone indicates that the author was fluent in french.-

There are no sources whatsoever of Shakspere's (Stratford) french knowledge or education and traveling in France.

English fugitive papists
resiants at Rhemes 1588
Marlowe alias Georg Wither

This is rather different for Marlowe, for instance there is a source that he was sent by the crown (William Cecil) to Reims (Excerpt of a letter of the Queen to the authorities of the University of Cambridge 1587)

»Whereas it was reported that Christopher Morley was determined to have gone beyond the seas to Reames [Reims] and there to remaine, Their Lordships thought good to certefie that he had no such intent, but that in all his accions he had behaved him selfe orderlie and discreetlie wherebie he had done her Majestie good Service)


The powerful number and frequent use of French "Connections" are plausible indications that the true author of the Shakespeare Plays was : Christopher Marlowe ( alias others such as George Wither)?