18 Jan 2016

(375) Shakespeare, and the synchronized mendacious media ("Lügenpresse")

Nothing could be further from the truth than the title of Luigs article of the "Berliner Morgenpost" (Jan.1st 2016). 

Judith Luig and former president of the German Shakespeare Society Tobias Döring

On the occasion of the new year 2016 (signaling Shakespeare’s upcoming 400th year of death) Judith Luig wrote an article in the newspaper „Berliner Morgenpost“ entitled

William Shakespeare was not interested
in hist posthumous fame

(translation).... the only one who was not - as it seems – interested in Shakespeare’s posthumous fame, was William Shakespeare himself. He prefered to buy land and houses and a family coat of arms, which was not yet given to his father, the glove maker John Shakespeare.. When Shakespeare retired at the age of 46 at Stratford, it seems that his preference for earthly life was clearly greater than for his afterlife.

[ Original:
Der einzige, der nicht an Shakespeares Nachruhm interessiert war, so scheint es, ist William Shakespeare selbst. Der kaufte lieber Land und Häuser und ein Familienwappen, das man seinerzeit noch seinem Vater, dem Handschuhmacher John Shakespeare, verwehrt hatte. Als er mit 46 Jahren zurück nach Stratford zog, scheint sein Interesse am" irdischen" deutlich größer gewesen zu sein  als am" Jenseitigen".]

I think Judith Luigs insights couldn’t be further from the truth.!

  She must have got her knowledge from her master Prof. Tobias Döring, Anglistic professor in Munich and former president of the German Shakespeare Society.-(s.Blogs nr -6- , -8- , -20- , -29- , -31- , -51- , -62- -72- -131- )

Just click http://www.opensourceshakespeare.org/) and examine how often and in which plays Shakespeare uses words such as "fame", "glory" ,"reputation", etc.  indicating an excessive longing for fame and immortality .
 Doesn't that enclose the afterlife? 
[you may do it with other words such as "Name" "Credit" "Rank" "Greatness" "Laurels" etc.]