21 Jan 2016

(377) Shapiro's Shakespeare authorship "proxy war" for the school teachers!

Shapiro a religious warrior? 

... he wants to fight ...against the conspiracy theorists,  the Anti-stratfordian..?

What a bizarre philosophy...

On the occasion of the release of his book "1606: William Shakespeare and the Year of Lear" James Shapiro gave a presentation at the Folger SHAKESPEARE Library in Washington DC on October 7.  - A  question of the auditorium was referring to the authorship problem.-    [s. also Youtube Video 2010)

                       "Why do people still believe that Shakespeare didn’t write Shakespeare?" 

Shapiro’s Reply (transcript of a recording in You Tube- Video in the meantime disappeared): That is the mystery. The Earl of Oxford died in 1604. - I am writing about 1606. The mystery to me is that there will be many readers who believe, that the Earl of Oxford wrote these plays and will read my book which she would think  given …?….at those times to respond in a way that I say Shakespeare did,  ….will lead her thinking : May be Shakespeare not Oxford wrote these plays. The opposite is true. The reason is: It‘s more of an article of faith than it is having to do with the materials that are in the libraries, and faith is for many people unshakeable.  And when I received from a former supreme court justice, who believes that Shaksspeare didn’t write Shakespeare,  a series of letters, I wrote back saying, it matters, because there is a politique behind the belief that  (name?) Bacon had, which happened to be……. radical  politics, there is politics behind the arguments advanced by manning Looney who is the first great proponent of the Earl of Oxford. -  Anybody said , it doesn’t matter, we just have the plays, lets agree to disagree, it is refusing to acknowledge that it is a political reading of the plays and a notion of who can write plays that swept …?..

  I am happy fighting that fight , so that high school teachers who do not get fellowships of „Folger“ or „British Library“  to do research , dont have to fight that fight! And  I like to fight!
What a strange wording !!​ Is Shapiro a religious warrior?
 Against whom he wants to fight that fight? Actually he can only mean  against the conspiracy theorists, the Anti-stratfordian...

Why he has to fight for the  high school teachers who lack ressources to  defend themselves?