17 Jan 2016

(374) Shapiro's insipid and murky highligths of William Shakespere (Stratford):

Is there really evidence

 that the wealthy Businessman William Shaksper from Stratford wrote in 1606 "King Lear",  "Macbeth" and "Antony and Cleopatra" ?

Shapiros new book (2015)

5 highlights ——>
we should know about William Shakspere (Stratford)

James Shapiro

The book publisher Simon & Schuster  has helped  the Shakespeare scholar James Shapiro to promote his new book 'The Year of Lear: Shakespeare in 1606'  in September 2015 with a short Youtube video "advertisment"

He tells us about five „fresh“ discoveries, we might not know about William Shakespear- -

1. that Shakespeare carved his name unto the paneling of the  tabard inn in Southwark……alongside the names of Ben Jonson and Richard Burbage  .-   …Shakespeare  a Graffiti artist, which  expands our sense of the kind of writer he was…

2. that at the beginning and especially at the end of his career Shakespeare collaborated with other playwright (read blog 365...)

3. that he  had a front row seat to many major political and royal events [at the Jacobean era]

4  that he did not earn his living selling plays or being paid as an actor  rather being  a shareholder in a joint stock company from 1594, 
He made so much money through his joint stock company that he was one of the first writers in England to retire a wealthy man.

5. that  he had an exhausting working schedule … his greatest accomplishment to be  able to do this without the benefit of coffeine because neither tea nor coffee had been introduced into England in these days.

Shapiro  delineates  Shakspere as a Wood carver, graffitti Artist, a collaborateur , a literary  front row sitter , a wealthy shareholder ,  lacking of the benefit of coffeine...

Where is the evidence  that the wealthy Stratford businessman wrote in 1606 King Lear, Macbeth and Antony and Cleopatra?