George Wither a definite Pseudonym of surviving "incognito" Marlowe
(alias Shakespeare).
Who, by composing but each Day a Line, Might authors, of some famous worke appeare, (...),
of whom we see no sign they ever lived.
Can it have happened that within a few years (1635-1642)
George Wither [1635] in "A Collection of emblemes") ,
and 2 Anonymous Authors (AA)
AA [1641] in "Wits recreations and
AA [1641]) in "Canterbury's Will"
dealt with their own prolific literary output, mentioning that they had written on a daily base for decades for more than 60 yeares with the same phrase :
within a few years (1635-1642) George Wither** (1635, -->A Collection of emblemes) and 2 anonymous authors (of "-->Wits recreations [1641] and of -->"Canterbury's Will" [1641]) dealt with their own prolific literary output, mentioning that they had written on a daily base for decades for more than 60 yeares.
("Nulla dies sine linea" - each day a line , small tasks appeares; yet, much it makes in threescore yeares. )
There is logic evidence that all 3 writers represent the same author (surviving incognito Marlowe/ alias Shakepeare in his late life),
** Do not trust-->Encyclopedias! They tell you that Wither was born 1588 !.
I recommend George Wither's book : An A.B.C. for layeman [1585 !]
dedicated to William Cecil)
AA [1641]) in "Canterbury's Will"
dealt with their own prolific literary output, mentioning that they had written on a daily base for decades for more than 60 yeares with the same phrase :
Nulla dies sine linea!
("Nulla dies sine linea" - each day a line , small tasks appeares; yet, much it makes in threescore yeares. )
There is logic evidence that all 3 writers represent the same author (surviving incognito Marlowe/ alias Shakepeare in his late life),
might authors of whom we see no signe they ever lived.(G.Wither)
** Do not trust-->Encyclopedias! They tell you that Wither was born 1588 !.
I recommend George Wither's book : An A.B.C. for layeman [1585 !]
dedicated to William Cecil)