30 Sept 2015

(284) Was a certain "T.P." in 1578 aware of Marlowe / Shake-speare's upcoming literary ideas? Who was T.P.?

Strange early literary connections between T.P.  and Marlowe / Shakespeare  in 1578


In 1578 an anonymous writer (initial Poem poem signed by T.P., experts assume Thomas Procto[e?]r ) published a book Of the knowledge and conducte of warres..(s.Faksimile)". 

T.P.(Thomas Proctor

 In his preface the author presents suspicious "contrarieties" between many different European countrymen like the Skythians, the Turke  and Tartarian and Persians which he contrasts with the combative  Englishmen .-

In criticising the English man ("...two onelie poyntes of imperfection...are noted to be in great parte of Englishe men")  he contrasts them with the Romans  and Carthagians, and  especially emphasizes Dido the Queen of Carthago and the rise of the Cathagians  in a marginal note (they grew in greatnes, to checke  encounter the mightie estate of  Rome).-

He compares Alexander the mighty monarch of Persia with the mightie Victory of Henry the Fifth ( s.Blog  XXX ) and his most renowne bataille of Agincourt and saundry triumphant conquestes in France. He calls himAlexander of England.  He  mentions the nobleman George Kastrioti (known as George Scanderbeg = Lord Alexander) with his victories against the Ottoman empire of the Turkes.-  

He mentiones the great Tamberlane (the scythian shepheard)  and Bajazet, Emperor of the Turks .- In the course of the book  the subject turnes to Machiavelli, to the Fables among women of Canterbury,  to Coriolanus,  to Caesar, to Anthony and Cleopatry , to Holofernes (like vice was curtoled of his head). Sir Thomas More, King Henry VI and "ungracious" Pucelle of France , King Henry VIII, TouchstoneHippolytus.. etc etc.

The author in 1578 seems to  have been  fully aware of  the upcoming, not yet published  literary ideas or projects  of Marlowe/Shakespeare.- 

Will anyone tell us, that all of these tight literary connections  to Marlowe / Shakespeare  in 1578,  (in their 15th year of life), were produced by a completely unknown writer TP Thomas Procto[e?]r,  and is  merely a coincidence?-