13 Sept 2015

(267) Antistratfordians (Marlowians) seem to have reached deadlock!

A "renaissance" of the authorship  debate will only be possible by opening yet closed windows and by widening the contextual horizon of  a multitude of  "Pseudo" authors, whose dubious living beyond their own literary texts is not detectable 

When considering over the last 7 years the yearly contributions to -> The Web #1 Blog on Christopher Marlowe” it seems – to my greatest regret- that  the Blog is in  decline.

Unfortunately, the remarkable initiative 7 years ago for Christopher Marlowe as the most plausible Shakespeare authorship candidate seems now to have reached deadlock. Will  time ever come to break this fatal stagnation ?

As long as the Antistratfordian community isn’t progressing towards more plausible answers and explanations, for instance  of Marlowe’s “first” and “second” life, of his encounters, travelling, letters, thoughts  and of his additional extreme prolific concealed writings (under a multiplicity of [pseudo]names and texts)  I predict an “everlasting” deadlock .

"The true Shakespeare: Christopher Marlowe"
5th Edition
(German) Book, January 2016 
So far no English Publisher was willing to read , to translate or to print the (German) book.

As long as questions dealing only with Marlowe's alleged death and his possible survival (we should recognize it as given! At least on the basis of a "working hypothesis!.) new discoveries in this respect are unlikely yet effective!) and as long as we do not develop a coherent approach to Marlowe'sboth lifes , his first [until 1593] and his second from the year 1593, (his stayings, extensive writings, his invisibility, seclusion, secrecy his literary disguises and deceptions) etc., nobody worldwide will listen or take the Marlowians seriously. (Forget about Edward de Vere! His death, alone,  in 1604 for ever will remain an insurmountable barrier argumentatively!).

A "renaissance" of the authorship  debate will only be possible by opening yet closed windows and by widening the contextual horizon of  a multitude of  "Pseudo" authors, whose dubious living beyond their own literary texts is not detectable ( except in seemingly secured entries of Encyclo-pedias).

I am confident of a future unbiased generation  with a more scientific attitude. 
Truth will prevail -   sooner or later.