14 Sept 2015

(268) Wow! The "SCEPTIC" magazine is sceptic against the sceptics (Antistratfordians)

 the journal "SCEPTIC" should change  its title-name to "ANTI-SCEPTIC"? 

Eve Siebert
On February 3, 2015, Eve Siebert posted a blog on the Skeptic.com website, called -->"False Balance and the Shakespeare Authorship Debate.” -  Finally she summed up remarkably:

 "There really aren’t two equally valid sides to this argument. There is a mountain of evidence for Shakespeare’s authorship, no evidence that he didn’t or couldn’t have written the works, and a bunch of weak and contradictory evidence for other authors. After all, evidence (of a sort) has been offered for dozens of putative authors over the years. None of it is convincing."

Why the journal isn't changing its title name to "ANTI-SCEPTIC"? As a german I was looking in a german-english dictionary for a suitable english word of her "Unwissenheit /Unknowledgeability". I got some english proposals: stupidity, ignorance, illiteracy, insecurity, unfamiliarity, immaturity, incompetence, worthlesness, incapacity, inexperience, inability, naivite, infancy, adolescense. ...

Which  word  gives us the most correct characterisation of her "Unscepticity"....

Make yourself an opinion on the answer (reflecting her intellectual abilities) of Eve Siebert: At time 18:33 she was asked: "What is your opinion as to why critical thinking, healthy scepticism and the scientific methods are generally not found in public school curriculums?

For Heaven's Sake!
