27 Sept 2015

(280) Devious question of the German Shakespeare Society: Did Shakespeare write his plays?

Are good graphic animators also experts for the complex Shakespeare Authorship problem?


The German Shakespeare Society (DSG) seems to follow the trend of the times.
A new designed logo has been given to
its website, whose spectacular simplicity seems to correspond to the demands of the authenticity of the name-giver of the society. Is the new logo the result of an artist competition ?

b) A facebook  page was set up, on which  a devious question  had been put by a TED video:

Did Shakespeare write his Plays?

How could it happen that the German Shakespeare Society did allow the "devilish" question of the Shakespeare's authorship by professional animators Natalya St. Clair, Aaron Williams and others ?

The creators of the video's seem to be good graphics experts but probably no autorship  or Shakespeare experts. 

Strange enough, they certify Marlowe's cooperation with Shakespeare in Parts 1 and 2 of Henry VI.  ...Note the devious standard trick question: Did he write his own plays? Would it not  be  honest to ask: were the plays "Hamlet" or "Macbeth" written by "Shakespeare"(Stratford) or by another author who named himself  "Shakespeare"?

There are no sources that prove that Marlowe and Shakespeare (of the same age), living both  in London, ever met or interacted with each other. Why not? They did not overlap a single day in their literary activities.  One (S) only began to exist in literature immediately after the other (M) had  been murdered.  Strange!  Unbelievable ! (read Summary)

Did Shakespeare write his plays? -
 Natalya St. Clair and Aaron Williams