6 Jun 2015

(168) Ultimately the Earl of Oxford will not be the final solution to the "authorship problem"

Shakespeare- Authorship: 

There must be something truer than the true Edward de Vere! 

Independent filmmaker Cheryl Eagan-Donovan Boston, MA produced  a documentary entitled 


based on Mark Andersons  book

The documentary film is about the presently best known Shakespeare candidate Edward de Vere, 17th Earl of Oxford. It deals on locations in Venice and other places in Italy and France, De Vere visited. 

The film includes interviews with renowned Shakespeare scholars and actors including Sir Derek Jacobi and Mark Rylance, See the Trailer below: „NOTHING IS TRUER THAN TRUTH“

In a decade of own reflection and search for the true author of the works attributed to William Shakespeare, there was never any doubt that the Stratford man cannot possibly have been the poet genius of "Hamlet" or "Romeo and Juliet". 

But due to the growing wealth of arguments, I gradually had to change my convictions: there is something truer than Edward de Vere…and - taken all facts, arguments and considerations together - that 
the Earl of Oxford will never be the final solution to the "authorship problem".

It must have been somebody else: Christopher Marlowe: for lifesaving, his death had to be faked 1593, and he was forced to change identity and name permanently writing subsequently under many alias names or pseudonyms including Shake-speare. He spent his life up to 5-6 times in Italy.

Nothing is Truer than Truth    (Trailer)