4 Jun 2015

(166) Dennis Rawlins: before you enter the Shakespeare Authorship Theater leave your brain at the cloakroom. (1)

Groundbraking article 

 "Bard Beard, Who wrote Shakespeare's Plays


In a groundbraking article  "Bard Beard, Who wrote Shakespeare's Plays?" (The  International Journal of Scientific History Vol.18, 7. März 2014 ), 
                                                in DIO (click Bard Beard! Who wrote Shakespeare?) 

Dennis Rawlins (U.S. astronomer, historian and author) dealt with the literary-historical problem of Shakespeare's authorship, seemingly unsolvable.  In Section-D, he summarized the reasons why  - in the public eye- academic science has distorted the real problem beyond recognition by raising it to religion in an "a priori" mentality. 

Some of Dennis Rawlins thoughts in Section D (from D1-D16):
1) (D2) Essential Marlowe documents appeared only long after a religious cult status for Shakespeare had been "cemented" ... 
2) (D3) Subsequent departure from Will of the records (Shakspere from Stratford), a "money-cow" brand name,  would have been too costly and led to chaos.
3) (D4) English  Academic profs have not wished Marlowe's suspected lifestyle (eg atheism, homosexuality, informants, etc.) to attach  to  Will of the works, (the author of Hamlet.  )
4) (D5) English literary Academic profs would never admit that they had been taken in by a centuries-old deception (that Marlowe's person is embedded in Shakespeare's works), 
?5) (D7) Almost 100% of the academic Shakespeare experts neither heard of it, would never write about or conduct research nor a centrist book or a newspaper would even take one line of type to tell its readers about the "absolute" impossibility that a Shakespeare in his 30. year of life exactly appeared   "on" the literary Scene, when   Marlowe in his 30. year of  "life literary "disappeared, and that both  never met or did  overlap  a single day  with their  literary output!"

6) D7" Argument alone indicates (in addition to countless similar arguments ... just think of Shakespeare's will) that Shakespeare academic experts were forced early to leave their mind at the cloakroom of the Shakespeare authorship problem or largely to dispense with him.
 (Rawlins: "Park-Your-Brains-at-the-door Dullard ")

The unifying  Marlowe theory solves the Shakespeare case's outstanding mysteries Shakespeare academics haven't ever solved.