7 Jun 2015

(169) The discourtesy of 3 Presidents (Academics)..following Frank Günther's strategy: "Do not even ignore them"...

Do not feed the trolls. [ ...the Non- or Anti-Stratfordians] Do not even ignore them,

The Deutsche Shakespeare-Gesellschaft (DSG, German Shakespeare Society), founded April 23 1864 on the occasion of Shakespeare's 300th birthday, is one of the world's oldest literary associations.  The Society holds annual conferences and edits the Shakespeare-Yearbook, with an annual section of Book Reviews related to Shakespeare.

In 2009, 2011 and 2014, I allowed myself to write a letter to the actual Presidents of the DSG, sending the thesis or the book "The True Shakespeare: Christopher Marlowe" and asking for a discussion or critical review of the book in the corresponding Review section of the Yearbook book.

In his recent book "Our Shakespeare (2014)" Frank Günther (currently best known German Shakespeare translator) gave 
general advice against Antistratfordians: Do not even ignore them!- 
(s.→Blog 116). He wrote

Translation: Do not feed the trolls. Do not even ignore them, when the Anti-Shakespeareans knock loudly at the door, seeing themselves as heroic Davids against Goliath and when they call "on an equal footing" for a debate about "Nonsense".(Don't feed the troll !" 

This seems to correspond  perfectly to the strategy of all 3 presidents:  None of them ever replied to  the  letters  (asking for a critical Review of the book).