5 Jun 2015

(167) Dennis Rawlins: Before you enter the Shakespeare Authorship Theater leave your brain at the cloakroom. (2)

Rawlins inescapable conclusion  

 "Park-Your-Brains-at-the-door Dullard ")


In a landmark scientific article in DIO "The 
International Journal of Scientific History Vol.18, March 7, 2014"
in DIO    "click Bard-Beard  Who wrote Shakespeare?"

  Dennis Rawlins (U.S. astronomer, historian and author)  dealt with the centuries-old literary-historical problems of Shakespeare's authorship. He comes to the

 → inescapable conclusion  

that Marlowe (as the author of the works) is clearly

 superior to all other candidates. He writes:

 "   Among the serious candidates, he alone Has the Crucial attributes and distinctive features of Shakespeare's, Which We now list:(D10) He is the only one for which there are compelling reasons for hiding forever in anonymity
(D11) The track record of his writing plays is very much like  William Shakespeare's
(D12) There are no "timeline" problems - a neat Marlowe-Shakespeare bridge let instead-   in contrast to the chronology difficulties of Stratfordians and Oxfordians.
(D13) Marlowe was as lowborn as Shakespeare among the major parties to the controversy,  Marlovians alone cannot sanely be deemed elitist
(D14) The  "Star Chamber" was pushing Marlowe towards a swift and desperate singular choice  between torture-death or escape back into an alias-anonymity that was not entirely new to one who was already part of the spy ring
(D15)the preferability of a simple, plausible, predictive and unifying theory which solves the Shakespeare case's many outstanding mysteries 
(D16) Marlowe possessed all the connections and definitely the motifs, to escape the imminent torture-death. In escaping he became Shakespeare just as maturely as his former self.

D16" Argument alone indicates (in addition to countless similar arguments ... just think of Shakespeare's will) that Shakespeare academic experts were forced early to leave their mind at the cloakroom of the Shakespeare authorship problem or largely to dispense with him. (Rawlins: "Park-Your-Brains-at-the-door Dullard ")