28 Jun 2015

(190) Dream lunch date of Hillary Clinton with Shakespeare ?

→Blog 172  revealed  the answer of Hillary Clinton to the question of the New York Times (June 11,2014) :
NYT "You’re hosting a literary dinner party. Which three writers are invited?”

Hillary Clinton .“I’d choose to have one guest for a long dinner: William Shakespeare. I’m curious to see who would show up and what he really wrote.” 

The Daily Telegraph on Sept 6, 2014  asked a →similar question to Tony Little, Headmaster of the Eton College:
DT : "Give us your "Dream lunch date?

Tony Little :"The playwright Christopher Marlowe, who would be nothing if not entertaining.

Whom did Hillary expect? and does it mean that Tony Little also belongs  to the  intellectual group with →reasonable doubts on the Stratford man   or even  to the Group of  "Antistratfordians"(s.Blog 148) ? -