12 Oct 2016

(468) Breton certainly another early penname (pseudonym) of Marlowe such as Shake-speare.

Nicholas Bretons "Rules of Conduct" perfectly  fit to Marlowe's fatal and endangered concealed life situation.-

First Poem title   in Nicholas Bretons
 "Melancholike Humours"

Nicholas Breton an early penname of Marlowe (such as  Shakespeare !)

In 1600 Nicholas Breton published a small booklet "Melancholike Humours(1600)" with a Collection of verses with 30 poems of different styles .  -  Poem Nr. 1 [entitled "See and say nothing"] contains 9 verses of 4 lines [s.Faksimile].- 

Immediately you will notice that all 9 poems represent an
inner request to the author to be cautious and not to reveal himself:

1.    fortune affordes to do nothing, to keep quiet...
2. beware of the fate of Icarus ...
3. be silent, patient, deface yourself...
4. do not exhibit (show) yourself...
5. trust nobody...
6. keepe your secresies unseen...
7. be alert and do not languish overlong...
8. conceal and do not reveal your passion...
9. be secret with your thoughts...

These "rules of Conduct" 
precisely fit to the life situation of the "true" Shakespeare: Christopher Marlowe.-

Subchapter (page 548-564 of Chapter 11 - German!) elaborates indications why Nicholas Breton (sometimes "Briton") has been a pseudonym of surviving Marlowe [ alias Shakespeare ]. -

 (Bretons   s.Vol.1 and Vol.2 of his workes)

Nicholas Breton an early penname of the "true"    Shakespeare !