5 Oct 2016

(465) The Shakespeare Authorship plot was disclosed by its true "concealed" author!

The Non-acceptance of the "Marlowe-Shakespeare Conspiracy

led to a fatal interpretation failure of literary sources in the aftermath of "William of Stratford".-

Epigram 8 from "Witts Recreations" (1640) of an unidentified author

(SOED Shorter Oxford Engl.Dictionaire) of "WOT"

Inner section of title (1640)
Epigram 8 from "Wits Recreations" (1640) of an anonymous author [...the concealed "true Poet-Genius" using multiple pennames incl. Shake-speare] contains all the ingredients to characterize "William of Stratford "

Epigram title (8) on an Upstart [crow]" refers to  Greenes "Groatsworth of  witte"(1592) somebody being characterized  as a "...Factotum in his own conceit the only Shake-Scene in a countrie". 

In his "Will" (1616) the Stratford man signed as William Shakspeare, Gent[leman]. The author refers to an old saying: "Clothes makes the man": Shakspere enhanced his social status (his pedigree) , he knows [wot, 1. SOED.s.fig. ] how to apply for a coat of arms [2.]. - In a wordplay,  the author seems to reveal the situation by asking why he shakes hands [3.] with a rampant louse [Shakspere] he should chase off .


I suppose it will be difficult to convince an educated reader that Epigram 8  has nothing  to do with the Stratford-man and the  historical Shakespeare Authorship Issue.!