24 Oct 2016

(478) The "Great Assises" can only be understood when accepting a Shakespeare/Marlowe Authorship conspiracy!

A late, highly allegorical disclosure and self defense of the yet living "true Poet Genius"[Shakespeare  alias Marlowe]

and his arguments, activities, idols and writings, 

(incognito Marlowe alias Shakespeere / Drayton / Heywood, /Wither , /Sandys, /Taylor etc ..)


"The Great Assises"  has long been attributed to George Wither as the author, but this is by no means certain. (Joseph Haslewood 1810 discussed the identity of the author and stated that he "must leave it attributed to anon." )

In an allegorical  lawsuit of a divine "supreme"  Court ("The great Assises) of Apollo  the italian Poet Torquato Tasso (1544 – 1595)  is ordered to execute Apollos just commands,... to bring in alive or dead each one that... had defiled the presse with Pamphlets scarrilous, and vile, traduced with malignant Spirits and Person of honorable worth and merits.

Tasso [alias dead Marlowe]  has to disclose  12 malefectors, his own substitues or sub-identities  which are tried and hauled before a jury of poets (12 of his own pseudonymous substitutes, his poetical identities, William Shakespeare (s.Blogs ...),  George Wither (s.Blog 257/258, Blogs 352-356, Blogs 469-474) , Thomas Heywood  (s.Blogs 331,471).)  Michael Drayton  (s.Blogs 274, 322-323,) Thomas  May (Blog   xxx)  George Sandes (Blogs 223, 238...)   Josuah Sylvester, (Blogs 451- 455) Beaumont / Fletcher etc.

Both the Delinquents (Malefactors) and   the Poets (Jurors persons of honorable worth ), the critics, accuse one another; Apollo almost invariably defends the poets.