13 Oct 2016

(470) The Marlowe-Shakespeare Conspiracy on Viennese stage: "The wrong Face"

Gerald Szyszkowitz
The wrong Face
I visited a last perfomance of a theater play on MARLOWE  - Oct. 8th 2016 in Vienna.

In 2015 Former Austrian TV-Producer, Theater Director,  Writer, Painter
Gerald Szyszkowitz wrote a novel "The Wrong Face - or Marlowe is Shakespeare", representing a passionate plea for the Marlowe/Shakespeare Authorship Thesis.-

I also learned, that in 2016 author and artistic director Gerald Szyszkowitz produced a theater Version of his book for the summer Festival at  the Hyunday Castle in Maria Enzersdorf , as a coproduction with  "

The Freie Bühne Wieden" (Vienna) based on his novel (The Wrong Face - or, Marlowe is Shakespeare)“

The play in 3 acts supports  the presumption that William Shakespeare didn't write the plays that are claimed to be his, but that they were penned by Christopher Marlowe, who did not die as claimed in 1593. 
The obscure historical situation certainly offers well suited material for a theatre play. -

The productions  resumed performances at the Freie Bühne Wieden October 4-8,  2016 which enabled me to watch the last performance.
