13 Oct 2016

(472) George Wither [apart from Shakespeare] : the single most significant pseudonym of Christopher Marlowe (2)

Early on George Wither must have belonged   to  the pseudonyms of Christopher Marlowe, 

George Wither: Title Cover of his "Faire Virtue..." (1622)

George Wither , in "A Collection of Emblems" ,1635
George Wither: Rhomboidall Dirges, out of "Faire-Virtue...!(!622)

In 1622 George Wither wrote his Poems "Fair Virtue, The Mistresse of Phil'Arete". Notice that Shakespeare's "First Folio" had not yet appeared, and nobody had ever reported to have seen or met the poet  Shakespeare.

<----In Withers poetical "rhomboidall dirges" s.Faksimile  we learn from the autor

a) in poem 1: that because he played with the burning coals of...flames he deeply sunk , asking himself if he ever will raise again?

b) in poem 2: that he perished in his youth sweet prime. -   "Unmoaned" he must die  and no man will ever know about his "Fatal time"

Blog 469 could show, that encyclopedic information about George Wither  (e.g. born in 1588!?) is by no means assured knowledge.-

A mighty series of arguments (German)   has been collected that George Wither belonged   to  the pseudonyms of Christopher Marlowe, who had survivied but given up his name and identity.-   (Listen also to the other 4 romboidall dirges .--below!)