19 Mar 2015

(80) Shakespeare expert Gelfert rejects Marlowe's authorship theory - Argument 5

Gelferts unfair conclusion:  

Only an approach or view of blind art [as that of Conrad] can recognize the handwriting of  Marlowe in Shakespeare's works 

Anglist and Shakespeare expert Professor [Emeritus] Hans -Dieter Gelfert, Berlin   wrote in his prologue "Who created the works of Shakespeare?" of his new  book "William Shakespeare in his time " (Jan.2014 Beck Verlag) that he felt compelled, to counteract  the ongoing global  authorship debates, e.g.  of the Marlowe Thesis of   B.Conrad "The true Shakespeare: Christopher Marlowe " (2nd Edition , December 2013 )  ..he shortly summarized  five arguments against the Thesis. To this end he used consistently  his own prejudice. For none of his five arguments it would have been necessary to open and tackle the arguments of the book.

Argument 5 (free Translation )
Only a blind art approach [as that of Conrad] can recognize the handwriting of  Marlowe in Shakespeare's works ... [Nur eine kunstblinde Betrachtungsweise [wie die von Conrad] kann in Shakespeares Werken die Handschrift  Marlowes erkennen... “. ]

Conversely this  means either: Shakespeare lived the art, but not Marlowe. . .. or the author of the  book knows nothing about art, as myself, Hans-Dieter . At this point you have to actually fall silent. (... There is no sin but ignorance Marlowe).

  ...in the appendix of the Marlowe book 60 pages of significant text parallels between Marlowe and Shakespeare are  printed:  If not here (!) -where . in the true sense of the word - one should find a common handwriting ....   the whole book actually tries to identify  the identical handwriting of both. 

Otherwise it would not have been necessary to write the book.