1 Mar 2015

(62) A President's dishonouring thesis on Thomas Looney:'s personality ....?

 A President's dishonouring thesis on Thomas Looney:'s personality ....?

Thomas Looney.  a  frustrated lay preacher  , a right-wing conservative, reactionary thinker , who  modeled   his Shakespeare -  he has rigged up a kind of "Führerkult"  (Cult of the "Führer")

Thomas Looney
Tobias Döring

Thomas Looney, an English teacher introduced in his book "Shakespeare identified"(1920) the theory that Edward de Vere, the 17th  Earl of Oxford, must have been the author of Shakespeare's works, replacing rapidly  the hitherto most popular  candidate  Francis Bacon. His arguments in the 20th century reached the highest level of acceptance of those who could not agree that William Shakespeare of Stratford was the author of Shakespeare's works.


Tobias Döring, President of the German Shakespeare Society, interviewed by the  Deutsche Welle on Looney's Shakespeare theory, on the occasion of the film debut "Anonymousdiscredited the Oxford-Shakespeare  theory by discrediting its founder Thomas Looney :

Translation [excerpt]  of Dörings interview:

almost exactly with the years of the First World War a new change of the Shakespeare image can be observed,  in 1920 a new book brings the Earl of Oxford Edward de Vere for the first time into play [. ..].,  which in turn is a very different idea since Shakespeare becomes as a kind of secret ruler of the world ["Weltenlenker"]    -the  Oxford thesis comes from a frustrated lay preacher who has experienced the First World War as a time of destruction, where all certainties of order were shaken and the ground under their feet broke away.  Looney was a right-wing conservative, reactionary thinker , who  -  it certainly needs to be said -  has modeled   his Shakespeare -  he has rigged up a kind of "Führerkult"  (Cult of the "Führer")

How could a President of the German Shakespeare Society attain to such a bizarre dishonouring knowledge about Thomas Looney ?