2 Apr 2015

(95) Shakespeare Expert Werner von Koppenfels an his merciless prejudice....

...and his slating review of the "Marlowe-Shakespeare Book and Thesis  " ,

                                                              Werner von Koppenfels

The venerable Emeritus Werner von Koppenfels , former Professor for Anglistik und Comparatistik at the Ludwig-Maximilian University Munich(LMU)  and orthodox Shakespeare expert  in the "Feuilleton", (Cultural Section of the "Frankfurter Allgemeine"-FAZ), a national centre-right wing German newspaper November,18, 2011 under the heading:

  "So eine Maulwurfexistenz ist doch anstrengend
  "[Translat.: Such an existence of a mole is but exhausting]

wrote a slating review of the  "Marlowe-Book" , which supports the thesis, that  Marlowe must have been the true Shakespeare .(Summary of the book)

Conrad in the acknowledgements of his book (2. Edition) had written: ["Translation !] .

.. I am thankful , that I've been blessed in my later years, to enter the digital age with its complete access to historical and literary sources. Had I lived only twenty years earlier, my  project could not have been realized....

Koppenfels damnation and prejudice  to the book in the F.A.Z.  was nocticably based  on this argument...

Translation Koppenfels  FAZ
I hope he [ the author] will recover in his virtual worlds of literature from the demanding diagnostics of his medical word -  , this should be granted to a computer-savvy physician . But would it not have been better to unload the total muddle and clutter for the community of like-minded people at the appropriate landfill on the Internet? -

Koppenfels prejudice could not bring him at any time to approach the arguments of the book, not even according to the scientific principle of a working hypothesis:

 "If we accept , Conrad is right, that Marlowe's death was faked, which of his arguments  (> 1000) would then be consistent?