14 Apr 2015

(107) Gelferts aberrant conclusions

Gelfert:  "Anti-Stratfordianism" can only be explained on the basic human need to construct conspiracy theories!

German English and "orthodox" Shakespeare expert Professor (Emeritus) →Hans -Dieter Gelfert, Berlin in the prologue of entitled "Who created the works of Shakespeare?" of his new book →"William Shakespeare in his time " (Jan.2014 Beck Verlag) felt compelled, to counteract the ongoing global authorship debates, e.g. of the Marlowe Thesis of B.Conrad "→The true Shakespeare: Christopher Marlowe " (2nd Edition, December 2013 ) and of the Oxford Thesis of K. Kreiler.

At the end of his short prologue, he emphasizes that the strong efforts of the "Anti-Stratfordians", mentioned above, can only be explained on the basic human need to construct conspiracy theories (see also →Blog Nr.15, and →Blog Nr.50) which suggest, that someone else wrote the plays.

Gelferts resume on Conrad's Marlowe Theory (German): His broad interest in conspiracy theories, his belief system is immune against doubts. He does not trust secured scientific knowledge.

What a totally topsy turvy World!!
