28 Apr 2015

(122) Dennis Rawlins' "pathbreaking" thoughts on the "Stratford and Oxford Myth" ..

Rawlins, unfortunately, has not given any thoughts  or considerations to  details of Marlowe's continued existence

In its latest issue of  DIO, (The  International Journal of Scientific History Vol.18, March 2014), Founder and publisher of the journal, Dennis Rawlins, a critic of orthodox history of science, wrote  a groundbreaking paper (70 pages) dealing with the Shakespeare authorship question, entitled :

                           →"Marlowe Created   Shakespeare"                               
(please forward this article)

From DIO it is said that it has already successfully detected and undone more historical science hoaxes than any journal ever. Even it will take time until the amount of the arguments and facts will be infiltrated by greater public awareness since the vast amount of indisputable facts can no longer be swept permanently under the rug, future will show that  Rawlins work may be called a  milestone in the gradual and necessary abandoning of the Stratford myth.

No one, in the end, will be able to ignore the wealth of arguments of a man with an exemplary scientific attitude.

Rawlins, however, has not brought 
the problem to an end,

 because he has - unfortunately- not done any investigation or consideration of specific details of Marlowe's continued existence

("his afterlife", "his second life"),

 including his stays, his literary and political activities, his correspondence, specific events of his life and death in the anonymity, & concealment etc..