12 Apr 2015

(105) Lukas Erne supports Shakespeare's treacherous "Quislings"

Oddly enough Prof. Erne thinks 

of our poet Genius Shakespeare as a "team player"

          Lukas Erne, Professor of English Literature at the University of Geneva  (renowned Shake-speare und Marlowe expert) challenges in his book "Shakespeare's Modern Collaborators"  (E-book Series "Shakespeare NOW" Vol.8, 2008) the view,  that Shakespeare is solely responsible for the play texts we read today.

He emphasizes at the very beginning, that he does not do so, however,  because he shares the view of the so-called "Anti-Stratfordians", who have constructed "conspiracy theories" (see also Blog Nr.15,  and Blog Nr.50) to suggest, that someone else wrote the plays. 

Rather he bases his arguments on scholarships, which claim it obvious that Shakespeare's texts are the result of various kinds of cooperation (coauthorship, collaboration with actors, printers, intervention of editors). This is where the  "Academic Authorship Taboo" comes full circle.

Did Erne really think of our poet Genius  Shakespeare as a "team player"? 

Why he didn't at least discuss the possibility that his alleged coworkers (like Peele, Middleton, Wilkins, Fletcher and such like) could have been constructed treacherous pseudonymous collaborators or Quisling?
