16 Apr 2015

(109) Shakespeare authorship issue: Robert Detobel's open conclusions ....?

Translation results

Translation result

WHY is the Oxfordian Derobel keeping quiet on the authorship question?

Robert Detobel (1939-2018) the doubters ...will have to present an alternative candidate ....whoever he will be, they will have to find a plausible answer to the question why an illiterate or almost illiterate man was chosen as a front...

Robert Detobel,  since decades most active "Oxfordian" in Germany, wrote a  Review (Engl.)  in the german Web portal  "Theaterforschung" about the book "Shakespeare Beyond Doubt? Exposing an Industry in Denial"

Last paragraph of the Review [Quotation]

But the job of the doubters cannot be considered final either. They will have to present an alternative candidate. And whoever he will be, they will have to find a plausible answer to the question of why an illiterate or almost illiterate man was chosen as the front. But that understanding a little further than “nescience” is possible — this the book has made plausibly clear. 

What may have driven Robert Detobel not to mention his favourite candidate "Edward de Vere", even once? Did he change his mind [to Marlowe?] ?
That's highly unlikely. I suppose it may be of a diplomatic nature....