9 Dec 2015

(354): One of Marlowe's pseudonyms was "Shake-speare" ! (3) George Wither another, the most significant!

George Wither , the most significant authorship Candidate…

"When I quite am vanish'd out of seeing 

                         "I shall enjoy my "Now-concealed Beeing".

In George Withers "Collections of Emblems" and Poems(1634) " you will not only find Marlowe's self-chosen "complementary dialectic" philosophy of life (latin phrase on his Portrait)

"Quod me nutrit me destruit"(book II/6 )
"Dum nutrio consumor" (book I /15 )

but also tightly connected significant contextual information about his fate.-

Emblem-15 / Book-I exhibits an altar on which the burning laurel (of the poets fame) is sacrified. The entire poem is imbued with 'Marlowes complementary-dialectic life Motto. The wisdome of this philosphy corresponds to

Shakespeare's Hamlet Act II, Scene II.

"There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so" as       well as to

Marlowe's Doctor Faustus -

Hell is just a frame of mind.”

The Poem offers a further interpretation of this dialectic wisdome: Marlowe: "when I quite am vanish'd out of seeing "I shall enjoy my "Now-concealed Beeing".

George Wither  Embl. Book I / 15

Who else besides Marlowe, who vanished out of seeing, could be meant by this characterization?

Who else besides Marlowe could have written in such an artistic "dialectic complementary" stile?

The german book: "The true Shakespeare: Christopher Marlowe" sees in George Wither one of the many author-pseudonyms of Marlowe whose death was feigned.in 1593- .