15 May 2016

(422) The Shakespeare authorship riddle: "Oxfordianism" obviously a big obstacle for its solution?

A paradigm shift is overdue and necessary

 It's highly regrettable, that Oxfordians have comitted themselves so definetely and finally!

Tom Regnier

Tom Regnier, president at the Shakespeare Oxford Fellowship (SOF), an appellate lawyer in South Florida gave (besides earlier speeches) a fine presentation April 11 2016 at GableStage in Coral Gables Florida

Did Shakespeare really Write Shakespeare? –
Was William from Stratford able to write at all?

The basic knowledge and insights ( Regnier reports) has now circulated for almost 100 years . It has - remarkably - not led to a paradigm shift.

Whence he derives his expectations and hopes, that in another 100 years the Oxfordian case (Shakespeare was the penname of the Earl of Oxford) will be accepted general knowledge ?

Conclusion: Whereas Tom Regnier's question is fully justified (provided it is formulated more inocuous: Did Shakspere [of Stratford] really write Shakespeare [of the works] ?) his answer is not sufficiently justified.-

A paradigm shift is overdue and necessary ! 
It's highly regrettable, that Oxfordians have comitted themselves so definetely and finally!