3 May 2016

(412) The ridiculousness of Shakspere's authorship disclosed! (Professionally made Video , part 1)

Baconian Richard Allan Wagner 

has announced to produce a  4-part TV series which delves into the Shakespeare Authorship Issue .


Based on his  book  “The Lost Secret of William Shakespeare” [ freely available online] Richard Allan Wagner has started to produce a  4-part TV series which delves into the Shakespeare Authorship Issue .

The professionally made part 1 now available, exposes well known facts and arguments why there is not enough evidence to support the traditional claim that William from Stratford was involved with the authorship of the plays and poems attributed to the name "William Shakespeare".

I can fully agree with the arguments of Video Part 1  “Exposing the Shakespeare conspiracy“ which enlightens us who the author was not!!!.-

Wagner   summarizes  all  the  evidence (developed over a century), that William of Stratford can not have been the author of Othello or Hamlet. Since Rick Wagner is a „Baconian“ and a Freemason , I am afraid, that the upcoming parts are not as easy to digest, …but already now its certain that - beyond all cypherology - the "true Shake-speare" was an influential forerunner ("predecessor") of  Masonic philosophy.