The authors take the view of a Multi-authorship...
in contrast to
this Web/Blog arguing for a "Multi-Pseudonymity of a single author....]
...a common starting point of the authors Michael and Pauline Black in their new Book "Shakespeare Unravelled" (2016) with all Anti-Stratfordians is that William of Stratford cannot have been the author of the First Folio Plays attributed to him. They take, however, the view of a "Multiauthorship theory" (including Fletcher, Peele, Marlowe, Kyd, Middleton, Daniel, Massinger, A-Bacon, Greville) compared to an opposite "Multi-Pseudonymity Theory" of this Marlowe Blog who sees in Marlowe the single Genius, who has created a more extensive work than previously adopted under a variety of pennames/ aliases/ pseudonyms/ signatures etc.
The flyer of the new book "Shakespeare Unravelled Court plays: the 1623 deception" by Michael and Pauline Black tells us: it delves into the history and controversy surrounding William Shakespeare’s First Folio (1623) and sheds light on doubts about Shakespeare’s authorship .
The book looks into the reasons which prompted the concealed authorship, principally the fear of Spanish domination at the time because of the impending royal marriage of Crown Prince Charles and a Spanish Princess.
According to the authors , Shakespeare's dramas were written by well-educated writers – certainly not by the attributed author, Shakespeare.”
The book looks into the reasons which prompted the concealed authorship, principally the fear of Spanish domination at the time because of the impending royal marriage of Crown Prince Charles and a Spanish Princess.
According to the authors , Shakespeare's dramas were written by well-educated writers – certainly not by the attributed author, Shakespeare.”
The book makes the astonishing claim that the well known life and career of Shakespeare - poet, playwright and Swan of Avon - was largely invented after his death. The real authors of the 1623 First Folio used the dead Shakespeare’s name to shield themselves from the censorship of the time. Until then, even in his home town, Shakespeare had been honoured as a businessman who invested in the theatre and occasionally acted.
A major objection to the multi-author theory (among others) is that it is not possible or extremely unlikely that within in a narrow time frame of a few years simultaneously so many exceptional unrivaled poetic genius (a la Mozart) did exist and were able to compose such incomparable oustanding "literary" sonatas, symphonies etc. .