4 Mar 2016

(400) Will the "bizarre" Shakespeare authorship question ever disappear? Of course as soon as ....

...will the "bizarre" Shakespeare authorship question ever disappear?  

  as soon  as ....

 obscure "controlled" mechanism for prohibiting to search

 for a concealed truth will vanish...

In 2 months, for a long time the last major jubilee of William Shakespeare will be celebrated on the occasion of the 400. anniversary of his death. - Despite a strange uniform consensus of  the mainstream media and the English Academe   for almost 200 years, [.i.e. William Shakespeare of Stratford is identical with  the author of the works  "Hamlet," "Macbeth" or "Othello"] there exists a global community of sceptics, dissidents, thinkers, skilled foreigners, prominent intellectuals and others (so-called. "Anti-Stratfordians s.blog 150) which question this academic consensus.  Since Long, however   their arguments and ideas mercilessly are disposed  on the landfill of "conspiracy theorists ".

This global community  of sceptics fights for the right  that the authorship question of Shakespeare  may no longer remain hidden as an absolute academic Taboo, but must constitute a legitimate field of scientific  research and questioning. It is also  time to investigate  the deeper motives for  such an absolute taboo.  The basic problem has not changed over the centuries, it is comparable to today's causes of absolute taboos i.e. of  "controlled" mechanism for prohibiting to search for a concealed truth     (http://www.wtc7evaluation.org/)

From the fact that the You-Tube documentary "William Shakespeare's: The Conspiracy theories", (which started oct.17. 2014) will soon reach  200,000  views/clicks , one may infer that the Shakespeare Authorship Problem  will not van   the documentary 
It can be predicted with some confidence that the age of digital information transmission  ( because of today's accessibility to any resources for everyone)  will challenge  the "frozen Stratford-dogma"  and will lead sooner or later to a "paradigm shift" .
In accordance with all the facts it appears inconceivable that a solution beyond the person Christopher Marlowe is on the horizon!