Good solutions of yesterday can have fatal conseqences if they are put in action today.....
<-- Paul Watzlawick in a famous speech entitled "When the Solution becomes the Problem" (s.Video) expressed:
...."Humans have the fatal tendency to hold on to solutions which have worked one time, even if the informations have changed so much that the solution, which once was the best one may be the only one, is not effective anymore. That is when a solution turns into a Problem!
Why is it so? I suppose that the behavioural economy prompts us to hold on firmly to what has been successfull or at least relevant....
but the good solutions of yesterday can have fatal conseqences if they are put in action today.!
When the Solution (Shakspere from Stratford) is the Problem:
Why is it so? I suppose that the behavioural economy prompts us to hold on firmly to what has been successfull or at least relevant....
but the good solutions of yesterday can have fatal conseqences if they are put in action today.!
When the Solution (Shakspere from Stratford) is the Problem:
The most creative writer and powerfully eloquent poet of our modern world ,William Shakespeare, did not leave a single written word, letter, message, notice, correspondence.
Be Aware, however: Any written message given away, is forever out of the control of the sender.
Conclusion: William Shakspere (Stratford) cannot have written any letter (unless he wrote under pseudonyms)!
Prof.Albrecht Schöne (2015):
Famous German Scholar who wrote the book
"The Letterwriter Goethe"
[Note: The most famous universal german poet Genius of all time "Wolfgang von Goethe" wrote during his lifetime about 20.000 letters !]
Paul Watzlawick - When the solution is the Problem (1987)